SO, today is officially my 22nd birthday!!! Went to the fair last night to celebrate with Ish, Bob, Danielle, Heather, Mike, my brother, and Ammi and Mindi (for a hot second) and honestly, it hasn't changed at all in the past 10 years. My cousin and i would get so excited when we were in the 4H horse shows, just waiting, anticipating, DYING to go on all the rides after we got done riding. Now i realize, the fair really isn't half as big as it used to seem. Still, had lots of fun. Blooming onions, stuffed animals and the beer tent are what it's all about anyway. Ish got me some jewelry and the "God Bless America" Daniel Johnston print i wanted :p I also got a crazy amount of itunes cards, which is random, considering no one has ever given them to me before. So now that i've downloaded Animal Collective, Broken Social Scene, Cake, the double Daniel Johnston CD with his versions of the songs and other artists covering them, Devendra Banhart, the Flaming Lips, Michael Franti and Spearhead, Panda Bear, and the Shins, i implore you:
WHAT ELSE COULD POSSIBLY BE WORTH DOWNLOADING WITH MY LEFTOVER BALANCE OF $25??? Please, enlighten me here, i need your help. Tonight i picked some more recipes out of my veg cookbook. I made avocado/cucumber salad w/ homemade bleu cheese dressing and penne pesto with carrots, yellow squash, mushrooms and tomato. I even picked the basil for the pesto fresh off our plants- it was yum to say the least. Then i made chocolate chip cookies. Tomorrow- the actual day of my birth- i'm not really doing much of anything at all. I might be able to see Ish for a few minutes while he's in Brimfield limbo, I have a photo assignment i plan on attending solo at 4, and i'm supposed to meet up with Bob and Danielle for a night cap later on. That's good enough i guess, i just wish i got to spend more one-on-one time with Ish- i mean- while we're actually concious and not sleeping next to each other. We've been wanting to go to
Howe Caverns basically since we've been together and i think we're going to take a day/night trip out there. They have this special tour where you go later in the evening when the place is closed down and they turn the lights off and show you everything by lantern light for 2 hours. I'm thinking that would be more fun than the regular tour. Plus, it's adults only so there won't be any snotty little brats on the boat with us :) Also, the Baseball Hall of Fame is less than an hour away, and i think that that's one of those things you kind of have to see. Right? Wednesday night i'm going out to dinner with my fam. It took me a while to pick a place, but after some serious thinking i remembered
Last Chance Cheese in Tannersville. I went there last year with Ish, Jess, and Gabe and it's really the perfect kind of place for me. They have a crazy cheese list and you can get cheese plates and fondue. Their beer list is incredibly extensive, they have beers from countries i've never even heard of. Well, not really, but they definitely have Chinese beer and that is fucking random. The other great thing about the place is it also serves as an antique shop. The cafe is covered in all sorts of old junk you can just buy off the wall. AND there's a gourmet candy/food shop on the other side, so you can order the cheese in bulk and bring it home or get old fashioned candy. Last time i got those little sugar-liquid filled wax bottles and we drank them all on the way home. I miss Jess and Gabe. I remember me and Jess got hot apple cider with spiced rum and our table was in front of a cozy little fireplace. 23B was closed so we had to take some dangerously windy Jess/Gabe road to get there in their old cold station wagon. It was great. I hope to try the fondue this time. I also hope 23B isn't closed again because i don't want to be able to see the cars that have fallen off the cliff we so bravely drove on the edges of. On a side note: Vermont was fun. Me and Debbie definitely smoked our share of tree and drank our share of beerz. Her cabin is sooo cute!!! I would love to live out there in the wilderness. The closest town/city place is about 10 mins away but it's not like the towns around here. It kind of reminded me of Portland, ME. I'm thinking that once i retire, there's no way i'm not moving to Vermont or Maine. No way in hellll. In the past few days i've also decided i want to go on a cross country road trip. Now that i'm saving up money, realizing that i'm probably not going to have a better time in my life to do it, and craving the opportunity to set my eyes on new sights and surroundings, i think it's probably the best idea i've ever had. Obviously i'm not unique in that sense, but i think the time has come. I'm planning to do it in the spring. I want to bring one other person with me, i just haven't decided who yet. I want to fly out to Colorado and rent a car and just go from there. I want to see Colorado most of all, and i think that skiing will still (hopefully) be an option in the spring (pray for a long winter!). I think i'm going to mark all the places i want to see on a map. I know i want to see California and Oregan BADLY, Chicago too... and the Grand Canyon and all that snazz... and i definitely want to see Alaska though i don't have the slightest idea as to how i would get up there. Maybe i'll take a ship there? Who knows. Then, after i conquer this country, i'll feel more satisfied and ready, and hopefully i'll get to go see a bunch of other ones (besides Italia). Anyway, i'm also really excited about the gallery opening this Saturday!!! I can't wait to see what it looks like and meet all the artists and I REALLYYY hope that someone buys something! That's all for now, it's getting late, but i'll post a couple VT pics. They're from the farm that Debbie applied to and is hopefully going to get a job at. And if this connection wasn't such a piece of cow shit i would totally upload tons more pictures all of the time- but unfortunately, it's an unnecessarily slow and grueling process.

when i wake up in the morning, pour the coffee, and i read the paper, and i slowly, and so softly, i do the dishes. i feed the fishes. sing a birthday sing it like it's going to be your last day. like it's hallelujah, don't let it just pass on through ya it's a giant and long cliché, and that's why i want you to sing it anyway sing me happy birthday 'cause hell, what's it all about?
sing me happy birthday, happy birthday. it's gonna be your last day, gonna be your last day.
sing me happy birthday, happy birthday, like it's going to be, going to be your last day.
-Andrew Bird