Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Connecticut and Philadelphia

Nick and Vivian helping break the event down. It was a truly amazing week. We helped 1,800 people recieve free dental care in two days. I even got a cleaning and cavity filled!

Krista watching the sun set on the Long Island Sound at the restaurant where we were treated like royalty.

Anna in our hotel room in New Haven.

I regret not popping my flash in the heat of the moment, but this guy was irresistable.

This is my favorite. Part of the fountain outside the Philly Art Museum.

NJ Beach Fun- Wildwood and Atlantic City

Krista found this conch in the water.

Nick found this dead horseshoe crab on the beach. He proceeded to chase me with it, waving it in the air. I was screaming and making a scene pretty good.

Some of my team- they walk faster than me.

Anna and Vivian

Atlantic City
Jessica and Gabriel shell hunting.

This was a very special guy. Jess and I found him beached and called 911. The animal wildlife rescue came and took him away. Hopefully our Biscuit recovered quite speedily :(