Monday, October 8, 2007

Lobsters are a girl's best friend.

1. I am never eating seafood again... especially not lobster. If you think about it, lobsters have an awfully shitty life. Once they're caught in a cage, they're banded and jammed together with a bunch of other lobsters, from the market right up until the moment they get cooked ALIVE. It must be an incredibly horrible life- not being able to defend yourself, being tortured, and then cooked while, though you can still breath and move, and you can't do anything to make it stop. ***Theo got a bunch of lobster for the party. Once we let them out of the bag we put them on the porch so that their last moment on earth would be a peaceful one. I took this picture with my camera phone. I did end up shooting a 36 exp. roll eventhough it was pretty cloudy in the a.m.- and of course, right after i did the sun (and the lobsters) came out. Picking the prints up after work, got a picture CD with them so i can put them up.

After their moment of peace, John put them on the grill and they screamed. One was even moving around, trying to escape the heat. I subsequently ran away from the porch.
2. In my perpetual state of boredom at Leo Fortuna and my "surfing" of the web, i discovered USA Today's Candidate Match Game. It's really a great way to put your own opinions up against the presidential candidates', especially if you're unsure who to go with. I got Dennis Kucinich.
3. Go Yankees!!! Adrienne and i likened Roger Clemens to herpes last night... no matter how many times you think he has finally disappeared (retired), he never fails to come back and ruin your day. Hopefully this time he's gone for good, because, though most people consider him to be a "legend" (which he probably is), as of late i have seen him do nothing but botch up every game we've really needed him to win. In other news: I hate bugs and I heart Joba... and lobsters.

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